November 18, 2009

Goodnight, and thanks for the (Bob The) Fish

Tomorrow is my last day at Rare Method. So, a few thoughts:
  • I'm thankful in particular to Tom, Geoff and Dave for giving me the opportunity to work with them and for the chance to give back to the advertising game here in Calgary
  • I've been fortunate enough to work on some great accounts with savvy people, and I dare say, make their lives as marketers a little easier. So, Thank You.
  • The most difficult part about moving on is leaving behind the day-to-day interaction and collaboration with smart folks and friends. Heitmann and Komery, I'm looking in your direction...
That said, I'm looking forward to the challenges that lay ahead and to join another proven, respected, and intelligent team.

As a ghost, I'll see you all in the not so distant future.

With that, a dear and familiar blessing:

May the road rise to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face.
And rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.

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